Workshop Registration

Our next workshop is:
“What technology Should I Pay For”

Sometimes we don’t need to pay for technology and software… but how do we know?

Paul Gorell will provide many insights to what we should and shouldn’t pay for including:

  • Hardware, Pc’s, Tablets and Phones
  • Subscriptions
  • Gadgets
  • Tech Suppliers eg ISP, China v USA
  • Mobile V NBN
  • Apple v Microsoft v Google
  • New or Used

Paul Gorell will provide his views and take you through some of the tips and tricks about what is a necessary or unnecessary purchase.

So come along, it’s well worth your time.

Date: Tuesday 24th August 2024

Time: 10.00 am (Workshop may take up to 90 minutes)

Presented by: Paul Gorell

Tea, Coffee & Biscuits provided after workshop

Cost: $7 per person

Please fill out registration form below and Submit

– You only need to submit once.
– You must be a current financial member to attend.
– We can’t accept new memberships on the day. Please visit us before the day of the workshop.

    We can't accept Memberships on the day of the workshop.
    Please sign up to become a member before the workshop day.